Fifty to seventy percent of shoppers actually forget to send their rebate to get some of the money back despite the fact that there are popular ways to save money on everyday purchases. As soon as you get home, you suddenly lose track of what you’re supposed to do. Before you know it, time passes by and you forget about your valuable rebate check. This phenomenon is common & understandable. Thus it is great to search for rebate strategies that can help you earn some of your cash back. Here are our top three essential rebate strategies that you need to start practicing right now to save more money:
1. Take Advantage of In-Store Purchase Rebates
People regularly go to stores for their wants or needs but are not aware of mail-in rebates, These are the papers you see hanging around on the necks of bottles or other products in the store. Make it a habit to keep an eye out for rebates you see on products while doing your shopping. Majority of shoppers are focused on the digital side of cash back deals that they forget to look at rebates that’s available on in-store items. Make use of those rebates immediately as you head towards the checkout line. If you need to take them home, be sure to mail-in your claim for your rebates. Make sure to read the fine print to maximize your savings.
2. Make Use of Price Adjustment RebateKey from Credit Card Purchases
Credit card purchase is common practice in this modern world.But are you aware that you can receive rebates on credit card purchases that went through sudden price adjustment? In layman's term, this means that if you purchase using your credit card and later see it for a lower price within a certain time frame. You now have the right to ask for a rebate on the price difference. This usually take between 14 to 30 days after you submit your claim. Companies generally require you to mail them a claim or contact their customer service telephone number. Check this service here!
3. Sign-up for a Rebate Website for More Rebates
Possibly the easiest way to earn rebates is to sign-up for a rebate website that does all the hard work for you. Rather then wasting your precious time mailing in your rebate, you can simply enter the order ID on a rebate website and let them handle the rest. You’ll enjoy direct access to top rebates and they will hold the funds for you. Visit this website at for more info about shopping.